PLEASE NOTE: When you choose to browse our online catalog without logging in, you will not see prices.
Click here to browse our online catalog.
If your company has an account with Independence Business Supply and you need a username to order online, you can click here to request a username.
If you do not have an account with Independence Business Supply, please request an account.
Now you can order custom stamps through our normal website! This will enable you to place your custom stamp orders along side of your normal office supply order and track it using the Order History page.
To place your custom stamp orders:
1. Log into your IBS online account.
2. Click on Featured Items in the blue navigation bar, then click on the Xstamper link.
3. Find and customize the stamp you want and add it to your cart.
4. Approve the design by checking the box and clicking the Continue button.
5. After you click on Secure Checkout you will be taken back to the main website where you can continue shopping
for your office supplies.
BONUS: You can view the stamp design while it is in your cart by putting your mouse cursor over the "View Design" link under the thumbnail
image of the stamp!
NOTE: Orders placed, and approved (if necessary), by 1 PM Eastern Time will be delivered by your driver three business
days after the order is placed.